Ready to Go Off the Grid? The Complete Guide to Solar Panels

Solar power can be a great choice for homeowners looking to reduce their utility bills and become more energy independent. Solar panel systems usually work best as part of a larger renewable energy solution. There are different options and strategies available, and the following solar power information will help you choose the right ones for your home:

Understand the Types of Solar Energy

When you think about solar power for your home, you are probably thinking about panels, but a complete system can be much more. If you want to be off-grid, you might choose to use a variety of solutions. This might start with conventional PV solar panels that produce electricity. It can also include solar thermal collectors that provide hot water or energy for the heating system in your home.  

Learn About Optimal Locations for Solar Power

Choosing the optimal location is crucial to produce enough power to go off-grid when you have decided to install solar panels. Usually, the PV solar panels will be installed on a south-facing area of your roof, while thermal collectors can be installed in areas that don't get as much direct sunlight. If your panels need to be able to adjust to maximize sunlight exposure, they can be installed with dual-axis racks. These racks allow the panels to be moved automatically to maximize direct sunlight exposure and power production.

Ask How Solar Power Systems Work

A solar power system is much more than just solar panels that augment your electricity to reduce your utility bills. It is a complete system that considers panels, energy storage, and other solutions to ensure the system can completely power your home. In addition to things like solar thermal collectors, it might include other energy improvements or upgrades to your home to reduce the overall power consumption of your home and the energy the solar power system needs to produce.

Plan for a Solar Panel Installation

Solar power is an efficient, environmentally friendly source of electricity. But bringing that electricity to your home requires careful planning. First, you want to calculate how much energy your solar panels need to produce. You also need to consider things like energy storage and efficiency upgrades into the project to ensure that the new system can provide the power your home needs to go off-grid.

Going off the power grid with solar is a viable option for homeowners looking to cut their energy costs. Contact a solar power service to start planning your off-grid system.
